
QUIC-Staking is designed to create Staking Sheets or Work Orders for Telecommunications Companies. It runs on AutoCAD Map 3D 2017. It is customized to allow the engineer to quickly draw lines and symbols on a map zoomed in on the area he is staking. The engineer can also easily add data to symbols on map that is then transferred to an Excel Spreadsheet with just the click of a button. An Engineer can quickly take field notes and sketches from the field to his laptop and in minutes have a PDF and Excel Spreadsheet to more accurately display his design.
Below is a list of some of the tools of the Program:
Creates new Projects (Maps or AutoCAD drawings) by external referencing a background map from QUIC-T of the area being staked.
Tools to draw lines, symbols, notes, labels.
Tools to Export data to Excel.
Tools to Publish your Staking Sheets to printer or PDFs.